Yesterday,we went to Jurong Hill for prawn fishing. We rented the rod for three hours as it was cheaper than to rent for 1hr or 2hrs.
My dad ordered some satays, a mixture of chicken and mutton. The mutton satay was delicious.We ate friend rice,satay,chicken,and tofu for dinner.My cousin caught ten while I caught only three altogether have 13.Too bad,at least better than nothing.As time passed,it is time to returned the rod to the owner.We took out the prawns out of the net which was in the pond.We washed it and coated it with salt,then we barbecued it.You could smell the smell of the BBQ prawns.After it was ready to be eaten,we took it out of the BBQ grill and put it on a aluminum foil.My mom and my cousin help us to peeled the hard and hot shell of the BBQ prawns.I ate three medium size prawns and it taste yummy.I took one medium size prawn and gaze to my brother.Too bad he doesn't want it so I put it back where it came was fun.:)
Ferretti House Plan
2016 comes with its new trends and approach for ferretti house plan.
Mediterranean Style House Plan 4 Beds 5 Baths 3031 Sq Ft 930 22 Eplans Com.
3 years ago