A herbivorous dinosaur, inhabiting the Earth around 60-65 million years ago, the Triceratops, lived in today's North America. It belongs to a group of dinosaurs known as Ceratopsia. These dinosaurs lived in North America and Asia during the Cretaceous Period. The Tyrannosaurus and the Triceratops were the biggest dinosaurs of the Late Cretaceous period. The Tyrannosaurus often preyed on the Triceratops.
Triceratops were one of the largest among all dinosaurs. The length of its body varied from seven to nine meters and the height was of around 3 meters. Their body weight was in between six to twelve tons.
Triceratops had a strong built body with four limbs. The fore limbs were comparatively shorter and had five hooves while the rear limbs had four hooves.
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